Over time this tactic can allow you to take advantage of the personal and professional networks that your clients have with different customers if you have a good referral program in place Consider AccountBased Marketing Rather than market towards a broad target audience or group you create marketing campaigns tailored towards highpaying clients These accountbased marketing campaigns can sometimes be a great way to build stronger clientcontractor relationships as well These marketing campaigns can double as outreach programs that keep your business in touch
with previous clients keeping them up to date on your business and inviting them to share information about their current or potential construction needs Combined with other client relationshipbuilding practices like prioritizing transparency and availability for top clients you can use accountbased India Phone Number marketing to build much stronger business partnerships Use Testimonials and Reviews When it comes to researching a brand consumers put a lot of stock in the opinions of others including the opinions of complete strangers For this reason testimonials and reviews from previous
clients can be a powerful tool for contractors wanting to make their business seem more professional trustworthy and experienced After a job consider soliciting a testimonial or review from your client Ask them for a bit of information on the job and their experience that you can use on your website You can host this information in a testimonials or reviews section Potential customers may use these testimonials when deciding whether or not to work with your company You can also encourage clients to leave positive reviews on your businesss.